Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Book #2 & 3: Judy Moody is in a Mood & Judy Moody Gets Famous! by Megan McDonald

Yes.  My second (and third!) read for 2012 is a children's book.  My daughter has become a VORACIOUS reader (she's in bed reading as I type this) and asked for 12 chapter books for Christmas.  She was delighted to discover that she received more than 12 and her first selection was book number 1 of the Judy Moody set I bought her.

The book is delightful and any girl aged 6-9ish would enjoy it.  It is funny and has a steady, attention getting pace.  Even the chapter names are amusing.  It contains realistic problems for this age group, and, yes, Judy Moody is, indeed, moody.  If you have a daughter of the appropriate age, get her some Judy Moody books.  If you're lucky, she won't read them all by herself, and you'll get to read some of them with her.

Judy Moody is in a Mood
Judy Moody Gets Famous!

After you've read at least one Judy Moody book, check out this website with your daughter!

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