Monday, January 2, 2012

Book #1: What Your Son Isn't Telling You: Unlocking the Secret World of Teen Boys by Michael Ross and Susie Shellenberger

As the mother of teenage boy, I thought this might be a useful book to read, and hoped it might provide some useful insight, especially in light of some specific issues that I have to deal with on a regular basis.  As a single mom, the emphasis the book puts on the father's role (even though it is evident that it was written for mothers) was not helpful to me and presented a bit of a distraction (I am not trying to downplay the importance of fathers here).  That being said, the authors presented a lot of good information on the needs of the teenage boy and the role of the mother in meeting these needs.  The book is written from a Christian perspective and references several applicable Bible verses to assist in addressing various issues.  It was reassuring to know that some of suggestions given are things that I already do, although I have a lot of room for improvement.

The authors address several topics including:

  • what the teen boy's world looks like and feels like to him
  • what the teen boy needs his parents to know about him
  • how to get through to your son
  • sex, dating, and related issues
  • anger and depression
  • guy time
  • what he needs from his mom.
I would recommend this book for anyone parenting a teen (or soon to be teen) boy (particularly moms) as well as anyone who works with or mentors teen boys.

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