Monday, January 16, 2012

Book #4: Who Was Harriet Tubman? by Yona Zelda McDonough

While in the midst of reading 3 other books, today I read this book to my daughter.  She has been assigned Harriet Tubman for her Black History project and her teacher gifted her this book to assist her.  Initially, my daughter resisted (she wasn't in the mood to start working on her project).  We settled in to read and after completing the first chapter her response was:  "More!"  She said this after EVERY chapter so we read the whole book in one sitting.  She was completely engaged throughout the entire book and asked a few questions along the way.  A historical biography that can fascinate a second grader so thoroughly must be worth the read.  It is written on the third grade level and has extra information thrown in about related topics mentioned in the book such as slave auctions, abolitionists, Quakers, Fredrick Douglass, and Susan B. Anthony.  Ideal for completing a project or just wanting to learn more about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad.

Who Was Harriet Tubman?

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